
Well I spent Sunday doing nothing on my writing. Nothing tangible that is. I mucked up taking my contact lens out basically it felt like it had welded itself to my eyeball. I couldn't get a grip on it, and then I lost it. It felt like it had gone round the back. Oh the pain. Lot's of eye ball washing with saline solution, but couldn't find the bloody lens. I later found it on the floor, so obviously it had come out, but all the poking and prodding gave me blurred vision . After that cleared, I thought it best not to strain my eyes too much and had a day off the computer. So no writing, but plenty of thinking. I had ideas flowing through my imagination this week. I know where I am going to take Edward and Geraldine in the next (third) novel, and I am quite excited at the prospect of bringing the monarchy into play for the first time. With respect to my other new idea published elsewhere with the working title of Conception (not), I mentalled out the next couple of chapters too. That could be quite an exciting option too. Today though, I really need to get Gibraltar Rock off to the publisher. One final proof read....

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