
Call me a cynic, but everything about this, especially the way it is worded, strikes me as a con. I haven't worked out quite how yet.

Phrases like 'certain technologies' raise my suspicions in a certain way. ;-)
When I went to school I was taught the First Law of Thermodynamics, which is one of the most important fundamental principles of physics. In any process the total energy of the universe remains constant. Energy is never created or destroyed, it just changes form, so if their claim is true, where are they getting the free energy from? If they are putting out more energy than apparantly they are putting in, then they must be sucking it from somewhere, and so, by the laws of physics:
The Steorn Machine [May] Suck

I have spotted this website on free energy that you find of interest:

1 comment:

  1. Nice One Tom, thanks for taking the time to expend some enrgy and leave the comment. Kinda thought that the [fridge] magnets were exercising magnetic force, you know the thing that guides people by compass, but then I figure you know a lot more than me about that. It has been far too many years since I studied physics. They've discovered far more than I've forgotten, and even more sadly I don't yet have 20,000 friends to invite.
