
Hannah's dad is on the mend, out and now at home, that is really good. One thing that I thought I would share, mostly because it is a bloody good idea that I hadn't thought of. He has to go for a walk each day as part of his recovery programme. 'So what?' you might think, well, the great idea is, if it is raining, drive to a supermarket, DIY store or what ever, and walk around in that. You'll be in the warm and dry and they are pretty huge, so there should be enough walking for anyone. That, I thought, is a cracking idea, leave your wallet at home so you don't get tempted into impulse buys, but you can learn where everything is in your favourite supermarket / store - and then when you need it in a hurry you can go straight to it.

If the security guys start to hassle you, you can give them a good medical reason to be there.

Ebay - the bane of our lives. How often have you put a highish amount in, more than you really want to pay to make sure, really sure, that you win something, only to be outbid by someone in the last seconds? Did you know that as soon as you put a bid on something, you show interest, and that interests someone else, and they may bid. My tip. Don't bid. You can still win! What you need to do is snipe. If you don't know what sniping is, it is putting in a bid at the last second, high enough, you hope, to win. And you can try doing it yourself, and you will have a measure of success, but why do that when you can get a computer to do it for you? There is a great FREE sniping service that I use with great success at Gixen they explain it far better than me. But now, I don't bid on much, I just see what I am interested in, enter the details into Gixen and let gixen bid up to what I am prepared to spend with a few seconds to go. I now win more, at lower prices than before. Great.

Just don't use it on my auction sales!!!

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