
Middle class or working class? the BBC have an interesting article in their magazine and it rather set me to thinking. I have always assumed that I was middle class, certainly my thinking and life in the 1960's in a suburban village on the edge of the great Birmingham conurbation puts me in that category, although parents and grandparents, had very different working class roots. In fact subsequent investigations into my family history shows a very long pedigree of two-up two-down, working class environments right back to the late 1700's when records began.

As I grew up and began to look at politics and study history and try and foretell the future, then working class was far from my mind, I could only put myself firmly in middle class middle england, appalled at the activities of the unions that destroyed so much in my native midlands. I could not see how it could possibly be the fault of poor management.

It now seems that i have betrayed my roots and how can I tell this? It is simple. I like to have my evening meal at around 6pm, ealier if possible. That, above all else, it seems consigns me to working class.

Wow, who would have thought it.

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