
It appears that I have Metabolic Syndrome. it says if you have 2 out of the 5 then you have it, lummy I have 4 out of the 5!
Here is an excerpt:

Drinking milk cuts diabetes risk
Milk consumption has fallen in recent years
Drinking a pint of milk a day may protect men against diabetes and heart disease, say UK researchers.

Eating dairy products reduces the risk of metabolic syndrome - a cluster of symptoms which increase likelihood of the conditions - the Welsh team found.

In the 20-year study, published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, metabolic syndrome increased the risk of death by 50%.

Experts recommended people only eat two or three portions of dairy a day.

Dairy products are an important part of a healthy, balanced diet and we would recommend people aim to eat two to three servings of low fat dairy a day
Jemma Edwards, Diabetes UK

The University of Cardiff study of 2,375 men aged between 45 and 59 classified metabolic syndrome as having two or more out of high blood glucose, insulin, blood fats, body fat, and blood pressure.

Here is the whole article on the BBC website

And here is an article on the BBC about Metabolic Syndrome itself.

I think I might as well give up now. Oh, I wish i knew which of the blood pressure tablets gives me the raging irrits and makes me need to keep scratchin.

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