
Okay so I admit that I am a Doctor Who fan. I have seen every episode ever made first time round, i.e. not on video's and tape, live as and when broadcast. And I remember that series 1 episode 1 was repeated before series 1 episode 2 was shown, something to do with power cuts in some parts of the country I think, I am not sure, well I was only about 8!

And now, the really big finale, probably the biggest of all the series ever. There is a trailer here (and a slightly different one on you tube see the end of tis post) for the part 1 of the series finale and there are plenty of clues - Torchwood in the guise of Jack, Ianto and Gwen (God how I would love to see Gwen in Dr Who), a red dalek, someone who looked like Brigadier Sir Alastair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart and so much more. Questions from this week float round in my mind - why is Donna so important? Is her name (NOBLE) relevant, Is Donna another name for Lady, and Noble = Lord, so is she actually a Time Lord, or indeed perhaps the sum total of all the time lord? Is the fact that temp relates to latin for time and she keeps going on about how she is a temp a coincidence? Why does Wilf keep looking through a telecope and going on about Aliens? If he daleks and the timelords were all supposedly destroyed in the Timewar, and the daleks somehow keep managing to reappear, then why can't the timelords?

Hopefully the next two weeks of extended Doctor Who episodes will explain all.

Can't wait.

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