In England we tend to think of this time of year as Christmastime, and generally wish each other a Merry Christmas, and I happily follow this convention.
Reading blogs and looking at the news recently I see a trend in Britain to pander to the whims of minority groups. Some authorities have banned decorations or other formal events that are based on Christianity. I think that is utterly stupid. Whether you, or I, are a practising Christian or not, the country is basically a Christian country by a majority of over 90% (so I have read). When I was bought up in the 50's I was taught a simple rule, 'when in rome' so why can't these few minorities 'suffer' our Christian ways and let the majority (over 50 million) enjoy or suffer Merry Christmas and not have to endure 'Happy Holidays'.
My Jewish friends have Hanukkah, and the African Americans I know have Kwanzaa. My readers who are pagans have Solstice and the followers of the ancient Roman Empire have Dies Natalis Invicti Solis which also falls on the 25th of December. I don't pretend to understand what any of these various festivals are about, what I do know is that on the last Saturday before CHRISTMAS in Britain, the only people not out shopping are driving in cars to find a parking place so that they can go shopping.
I have a plan. Yvonne and I will get in our car and go and get in the traffic jam. She will then go out and shop for one hour, by which time I will have been able to move the car exactly 30 yards forward. She will then return, put her shopping in the boot, change places with me, and I will go and shop for an hour. We will repeat this process until we have bought all that we can. We will then nip out of the traffic queue and head home to wrap, of fill the larder, or freezer as required. No parking fees. This works because we are British, and British people queue. I just plan to exploit that concept. That is because we are British, and British people are adaptive.
Merry CHRISTmas!...God Bless