I can't believe I never told you the saga of my new car.
No, I haven't got it. They cocked up. Big time. When it arrived, they discovered that they had forgotten to order the extra's, that I had paid for up front weeks ago, the extra's that are factory fitted, you know, things like the full length panoramic glass sunroof. Can't exactly get the jig saw out and cut out a hole yourself. ( I did in around 1981 with my TR7 but that is another story).
So complete cock up. Tough, they had to order another one, another 6 - 8 week delay. Oh, they offered me an old wreck of a rover Y reg in the meantime. Big deal. I had no choice, I had an interview to go to (didn't get the job), and so I had to accept. When I went to pick that up, surprise surprise (as cilla would say), it had proved unroadworthy, and so they, and get this, are HIRING me a car in the interim.
My God, I couldn't invent this for one of my novels, I'm not joking.
Too busy doing tidying in the house to play with the cam corder today, oh, and also multi tasking (me, a bloke.....) and trying to get the network printer to work on the old XP base PC so that H could print off her 20th birthday photo's. Yes, another milestone passed this week - the last of fledglings are no longer teens, any way, back to the printer. Windows Firewall just refused to let it through, and in the end after interminal sessions of install and de-install (where is the BOFH when you need him?) I gave up with the windows firewall and installed Zone Alarm instead. Bingo, all working and 20 odd photo's suddenly burst into life.
Changed the PSU for the security camera's too, and so we are all seeing once more, thank goodness. So, too hectic a day to play with the camcorder I am afraid. Tomorrow I have to change at least one of the CDRW drives in the old XP unit - couldn't read Die Hard 4 today, and that is a real bummer. ( Did I mention I was multi tasking today? at least 4 things at once !!)
Must get back to the writing this week- too much time spent on other things recently, but at least we now have a tidy office and a spare bedroom that a guest can sleep in.
Off to play poker now