
Interesting read article here about how the Americans are making slow progress towards lowering their HbA1C levels, and how it gets worse over winter. I expect it is probably similar in the UK, but we don't start the festival of eating until Christmas, some 5 weeks after thanksgiving, so I guess it will probably not be quite so bad, we have 5 less weeks of gorging ourselves on Turkey and trimmings. I am probably being judgmental and jingoistic and nationist, but what the hell does it matter? What we all need to do is just eat less and exercise more and late onset diabetes will be a thing of the past, that is what nearly every article seems to say.
Yeah right. Me? I think that there may be a link to contaminants as well as the usual suspects of obesity and languorous behavior.
Any one ever considered the number of toxins in the food chain? So much food is fed antibiotics or sprayed in pesticides, and the air is so contaminated that eating purely organic is virtually impossible. I have no evidence, but I do worry about the effect of all these unintentionally ingested drugs and chemicals and things on the human body. Link? Maybe.

Also spotted this link about the pregnant women with high blood sugar. Everything just seems to be interlinked. Cause and Effect?


Some good news, it seems as if the trials of an insulin tablet, rather than injections, are coming along nicely. Good news for all those currently injecting, and good news for me. My GP had advised that I shall have to inject eventually, just not yet. Hopefully now, not ever.
See this website fromDiabetology Ltd or this BBC article
Well now the latest map of health shows were we all live in relationship to a map of ill health and the like. Interestingly, where I live shows an above average health profile. Obviously it is just for me that life sucks. Whoopy do for all my healthy neighbours, and long may they stay fit and well.


So the Aussies have the same issues. If you read the following link, and then follow the link to the official report at diabetesepidemic , there is a fantastic map showing the spread in just five years. It is utterly terrifying.


I wonder if people having 'diabetes' controlled by diet alone are actually diabetic, or in pre-diabetic state? I know that no amount of food control or dieting did anything for my blood sugar levels, my cholesterol or my blood pressure. Only avandia and metformin did my blood sugar, 40mg of statin did my cholesterol and 4 different BP tablets (beta blockers, calcium blockers and god knows what else) did my BP - and my GP says it is still too high. Interesting article I found on pre-diabetes. item


So. Emily used the N word and then professed her innocence. Ignoring the total over reaction from Charley who milked it and milked it, Big Brother did absolutely the right thing in removing Emily. Emily, to my mind, let loose a Freudian comment. She may not consciously think in racist terms, but subconsciously she does.
Interesting the hear the quiver the Big Brothers voice as he interrogated then punished Emily, he sounded very stressed or nervous.

Totally unrelated, Charley is really beginning to irritate, her over the top reaction to Channelle (spelling?) typifies her nature. Drama Queen.