
Okay so I finally got to see Casino Royale. Bad back and all that means I have to wait for the DVD release, and so I don't tend to get wrapped up in all the usual hype. So I have just sat through the film and been thouroughly entertained, but, is it a great bond movie? No I don't think it is. Let me explain.

Daniel Craig is absolutely first class as Bond. Definately a very good choice, he carries it off to perfection and I think, that for me, is likely to toy with Tim Dalton as my favourite, and is definately close (as was TD) to the way I read Bond in Flemings novels that I devoured as a youth.

But the film. Well, I find my self tutting at the editing. One bit still grates on me, and that is where Bond rejoins the game, Le Chiffre comments about his shirt, and then suddenly bond is back in the bathroom looking after Vesper. It was so odd it actually threw my concentration.

There was a lot that was good about the film, the way bond didn't earn the bond music until right at the end in his encounter with Mr White, I got an embarassing lump in my throat and tear in my eye when the music (THE music) started. The action sequence, especially the 'Madagascar' sequence was superb and the blue screen and wires were well hidden, and I though the stunt doubles were blended very well too. The ending took a bit of a while coming. I like the films to start with a stunning action sequence (Sean Bean opener is probably the best ?), then build the tension throughout the film, and then have another stunning ction climax, (Die another Day?) and than have a quirky end. I liked the Mr White end to Casino Royale, but the gap after Venice and before then was a bit odd, it felt wrong.

Overall, good film, great actor, and I guess I have to wait two years before I get to see the next sequence. God, that is such a long time away.


Now, here is a thought. Bread always falls butter side down when you drop it. Cats always land on their paws when you drop them, so why not store your buttered bread on the back of a cat. Sorted, your bread will always land on it's paws when it falls.


This is my out of focus photo of the eclipse of the full moon at around 2300 on 3rd March 2007 as viewed from Gloucester UK.